Dates in Swift Programming: Manipulation, Formatting, and Comparison

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

May 17, 2024

Working with Date in Swift Programming

Dates are an essential aspect of programming as they allow us to work with time-related data in our applications. In Swift, there is a built-in Date structure that represents a specific point in time. In this tutorial, we will explore how to work with dates in Swift and perform common operations such as date formatting, date comparison, and date manipulation.

Creating Dates

// Creating a date object with the current date and time
let currentDate = Date()

// Creating a date object using a specific date and time
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let customDate = "2022-01-01 12:00:00")}

Date Formatting

// Formatting a date to a string
let formattedDate = dateFormatter.string(from: currentDate)
print(formattedDate) // Output: "2022-08-17 14:30:00"}

Date Comparison

// Comparing dates
if customDate!.compare(currentDate) == .orderedAscending {
    print("Custom date is before current date")
} else if customDate!.compare(currentDate) == .orderedDescending {
    print("Custom date is after current date")
} else {
    print("Dates are equal")

Date Manipulation

// Adding time intervals to a date
let futureDate = currentDate.addingTimeInterval(60) // Adding 60 seconds to the current date


In this tutorial, we have learned how to work with dates in Swift, including creating dates, formatting dates, comparing dates, and manipulating dates. Dates are integral to many applications, and mastering the manipulation and formatting of dates will make your code more robust and user-friendly.