Swift Protocols

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

July 30, 2023

Title: The Power of Swift Protocols

In the Swift programming language, protocols play a crucial role in defining interfaces and establishing a contract between different components of your code. They allow you to define a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that types can conform to. This tutorial will explore the power of Swift protocols with a practical code example.

Defining a Protocol

To define a protocol in Swift, you use the protocol keyword followed by the name of the protocol. Let's say we want to create a protocol called Drawable that represents objects that can be drawn on the screen:

protocol Drawable {
    func draw()
    var size: CGSize { get }

The Drawable protocol contains two requirements: a method called draw() and a computed property called size. Any type that conforms to this protocol must implement these requirements.

Conforming to a Protocol

To conform to a protocol, a type needs to implement all the requirements specified by that protocol. For example, let's create a struct called Rectangle that conforms to the Drawable protocol:

struct Rectangle: Drawable {
    var size: CGSize
    func draw() {
        // Implementation goes here

In this example, the Rectangle struct provides an implementation for both the draw() method and the size property, meeting all the requirements of the Drawable protocol.

Using Protocols

Once a type conforms to a protocol, you can treat it as an instance of that protocol, allowing you to use and interact with objects based on their protocol conformance. For instance, you can define a function that takes an argument of type Drawable and calls the draw() method:

func drawObject(_ object: Drawable) {

let rectangle = Rectangle(size: CGSize(width: 100, height: 50))

In this example, the drawObject(_:) function can accept any object that conforms to the Drawable protocol. This flexibility allows you to write generic code that can work with different types that meet the required behavior.

Benefits of Protocols

Protocols enable a powerful combination of code reuse and flexibility. By defining protocols, you can group related behavior and properties together, making it easier to write generic and reusable code. Protocols also enable you to create powerful abstractions by defining requirements for different types without needing to know their underlying implementations.

In summary, Swift protocols provide a powerful way to define interfaces, establish contracts, and enable code reuse. By conforming to protocols, types can provide implementations for the required behavior, allowing for flexibility and composability in your Swift code.