Serverless Applications

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

July 25, 2023

AWS Lambda Tutorial: Building Serverless Applications

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services. With Lambda, you can run your code without provisioning or managing servers. It enables developers to build and deploy applications with ease, focusing solely on writing code rather than having to worry about infrastructure.

Getting Started with AWS Lambda

To get started with AWS Lambda, you need to have an AWS account. Once you have an account, you can navigate to the AWS Management Console and search for Lambda in the services menu. Click on Lambda to open the Lambda dashboard.

In the Lambda dashboard, you can create a new function. A function in Lambda represents your application code. You can select the programming language, runtime environment, and configure essential settings for your function.

Event Triggers

AWS Lambda can be triggered by various events. You can configure it to respond to events such as changes in data in an S3 bucket, updates to a DynamoDB table, or messages arriving in an SQS queue. These event sources can invoke your Lambda function when the specified event occurs.

For example, you can create a Lambda function that processes images uploaded to an S3 bucket. Whenever a new image is uploaded, Lambda can automatically trigger your function, allowing you to perform image manipulation, processing, or even generate thumbnails.

Writing Lambda Functions

When writing Lambda functions, you can choose from various programming languages, including Python, Node.js, Java, C#, and Go. AWS Lambda provides a runtime environment for each supported language, which includes the necessary libraries and dependencies for your code to run.

Your Lambda function should be designed to handle a specific task or piece of functionality. It receives input parameters (event data), processes them, and optionally returns a response. You can utilize the AWS SDKs and APIs from within your Lambda function to interact with other AWS services like S3, DynamoDB, or SQS.

Scaling and Cost Optimization

One of the main advantages of using AWS Lambda is its automatic scaling capability. Lambda can scale your function to handle a large number of concurrent requests, ensuring that your application can handle spikes in traffic without any manual intervention.

In terms of cost optimization, you only pay for the actual execution time of your Lambda functions. This pay-per-use model allows you to save costs since you are not charged for idle or unused resources.

Monitoring and Logging

AWS Lambda provides built-in monitoring and logging features that enable you to track the performance and health of your functions. You can view metrics, set up custom alarms, and integrate with AWS CloudWatch for centralized monitoring.

Additionally, you can leverage AWS X-Ray to gain insights into the execution of your Lambda functions and identify any performance bottlenecks or errors.


AWS Lambda offers a powerful serverless computing platform to build and deploy applications with ease. By abstracting the underlying infrastructure and focusing only on your code, you can develop scalable and cost-efficient applications that can automatically respond to various events and scale to handle any workload.

So, start exploring AWS Lambda and unlock the full potential of serverless application development!