Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

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by The Captain

May 21, 2023

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Tutorial

If you're looking for a way to automatically scale your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances according to the demand, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is the perfect solution for you. With this AWS service, you can effortlessly manage your application's availability and ensure that it runs smoothly, even during unexpected traffic spikes.

How Does Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Work?

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling works by automatically adjusting the number of instances running in your application based on the demand. This process is performed using pre-defined rules, which you set to adjust the number of instances based on various metrics, including CPU utilization, network traffic, and database connections.

When creating an EC2 Auto Scaling group, you define the maximum and minimum number of instances that you want to be running at any given time. If the application demand exceeds the current capacity, the service will automatically spin up new instances until the maximum number is reached. On the other hand, if the demand decreases, or if there are instances that are underutilized, the service will automatically terminate those instances to save on costs.

Benefits of using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling has several benefits, including:

  • Improved availability: By automatically scaling your instances, your application will be available to users even during unexpected traffic spikes.
  • Cost optimization: Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you reduce your costs by automatically terminating unused instances, while at the same time, increasing capacity during high traffic periods.
  • Greater control: The service gives you greater control over your compute resources, ensuring that they are always used optimally.

Creating an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Group

To use Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a launch template: This is the blueprint for your instances, and it contains all the necessary configuration settings.
  2. Create an auto scaling group: This is the group of instances that you want to manage. You will define the minimum and maximum number of instances, as well as the launch template you created in step one.
  3. Create a scaling policy: This is the policy that defines the rules that you want to use to adjust the number of instances based on the demand.


By utilizing Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, you can ensure that your application is always available to your users while reducing costs and ensuring optimal use of compute resources. With this solution, you don't need to worry about unexpected traffic spikes or scaling issues, and instead, you can focus on providing your users with the best possible experience.