Working with Dictionaries in Swift: Basics and Operations

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

April 19, 2024

Working with Dictionaries in Swift

Dictionaries in Swift are collections that store key-value pairs in an unordered manner. They are commonly used to store and retrieve data based on a unique key. In this tutorial, we will explore how to work with dictionaries in Swift, including adding, accessing, modifying, and removing key-value pairs.

Creating a Dictionary

To create a dictionary in Swift, you can use the following syntax:

var myDictionary = [Int: String]()
myDictionary[1] = "Apple"
myDictionary[2] = "Banana"}

Accessing and Modifying Values

You can access and modify values in a dictionary by using the key associated with the desired value:

print(myDictionary[1]) // Output: Optional("Apple")
myDictionary[2] = "Orange"
print(myDictionary) // Output: [1: "Apple", 2: "Orange"]}

Dictionary Operations

There are several operations you can perform on dictionaries in Swift, such as adding new key-value pairs, removing existing key-value pairs, and checking for the existence of a key:

myDictionary[3] = "Grapes" // Adding a new key-value pair
myDictionary.removeValue(forKey: 1) // Removing a key-value pair
if let fruit = myDictionary[4] {
    print(fruit) // Output: "Grapes"

Iterating Through a Dictionary

You can iterate through the key-value pairs in a dictionary using a for loop:

for (key, value) in myDictionary {
    print("Key: \(key), Value: \(value)")


In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of working with dictionaries in Swift. Dictionaries are powerful data structures that provide an efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. By mastering dictionary operations, you can effectively manage and manipulate data in your Swift applications.