Nested Functions in Swift: Organizing Code with Modularity

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

May 10, 2024
Working with Nested Functions in Swift

Working with Nested Functions in Swift

Nested functions are functions defined within the body of another function in Swift. These nested functions have access to variables declared in the outer function, allowing for more modular and organized code structure. They can be useful for encapsulating functionality that is only relevant within a specific scope.

Here is an example of how nested functions can be used in Swift:

func outerFunction() {
    var outerVariable = 10
    func innerFunction() {
        outerVariable += 5
        print("Inner function: \(outerVariable)")
    print("Outer function: \(outerVariable)")


In the above code snippet, the function innerFunction is defined inside the outerFunction. It has access to the outerVariable declared in the outerFunction and can modify its value.

When calling outerFunction(), the innerFunction is executed first, incrementing the value of outerVariableinnerFunction. Finally, the value of outerVariable is printed from the outerFunction itself.

Using nested functions can help in keeping the code organized and can prevent polluting the global namespace with functions that are only relevant within a specific context. They are particularly useful when you need to reuse a piece of functionality within a single function without exposing it to the outside world.

Remember that nested functions are only accessible within the scope of the outer function in which they are defined. They cannot be called from outside the enclosing function.