Pull to Refresh in Flutter

A portrait painting style image of a pirate holding an iPhone.

by The Captain

August 5, 2023

Title: Implementing Pull to Refresh in Flutter with RefreshIndicator

In your Flutter app, you might need to implement a pull to refresh functionality on certain screens or lists. This can be achieved easily using the RefreshIndicator widget provided by the Flutter framework. The RefreshIndicator provides a built-in visual indicator of the progress while refreshing the content. In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement the pull to refresh feature in Flutter using RefreshIndicator.

To start, you need a ListView or any scrollable widget that you want to refresh. Wrap the scrollable widget with RefreshIndicator as follows:

  onRefresh: () async {
    // Handle refresh logic here
  child: ListView(
    children: [
      // Your list items here

The onRefresh property specifies the callback function that will be executed when the user performs the pull to refresh action. Inside this callback, you can implement the logic to refresh the data or perform any asynchronous operation.

Next, you need to define the refreshing logic inside the onRefresh callback. For example, if you have a list of items fetched from an API, you can make an API call to fetch the latest data. Here's an example:

onRefresh: () async {
  // Make an API call to fetch the latest data
  var refreshedData = await fetchData();

  setState(() {
    // Update the UI with the refreshed data
    data = refreshedData;

In this example, the fetchData() function is an async function that fetches the latest data from an API. Once the data is fetched, it is stored in the state variable data and the UI is updated using setState().

When the refreshing process is complete, the RefreshIndicator will automatically hide the refresh indicator and display the updated data.

Note: The onRefresh callback should return a Future. If there is no async task to perform while refreshing, you can simply return an empty Future like this: return Future.delayed(Duration.zero);

Customizing the appearance of the RefreshIndicator is also possible. You can use the color and backgroundColor properties to change the colors of the refresh indicator and the background respectively:

  color: Colors.blue,
  backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  onRefresh: () async {
    // Handle refresh logic here
  child: ListView(
    children: [
      // Your list items here

That's it! Now you have implemented the pull to refresh feature using RefreshIndicator in your Flutter app. Users can simply pull down the list to trigger the refresh action and view the updated content.