Mastering Swift's Protocol Oriented Programming: A Flexible Approach

Mastering Swift's Protocol Oriented Programming: Learn how to create flexible, reusable code with protocols in Swift. Enhance your app's architecture for cle...

Mastering Swift's Protocol Oriented Programming: A Flexible Approach

Introduction to Protocol Oriented Programming

Protocol Oriented Programming (POP) is a paradigm that was popularized by Swift. It emphasizes the use of protocols to define blueprints of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit particular tasks or pieces of functionality. POP allows for a flexible and reusable way to organize and structure code, empowering developers to write cleaner and more maintainable applications.

What is Protocol Oriented Programming?

In POP, the focus is on using protocols to create interfaces that can be adopted by any class, struct, or enum. The key advantage is that it allows for flexible architecture by encouraging composition over inheritance. Unlike inheritance-based systems where shared functionality is often constrained by the superclass, POP promotes code reuse without these limitations by enabling different types to conform to the same protocol.

Creating and Using Protocols in Swift

In Swift, a protocol is declared using the protocol keyword. Below is an example of a simple protocol:

protocol Drivable {
    var topSpeed: Int { get }
    func accelerate()

Any type that conforms to this protocol must implement the accelerate method and have a topSpeed property. Doing so allows uniform functionality across different types:

struct Car: Drivable {
    var topSpeed: Int

    func accelerate() {
        print("Vroom! The car accelerates to \(topSpeed) km/h.")

struct Bicycle: Drivable {
    var topSpeed: Int

    func accelerate() {
        print("Pedaling faster! The bicycle reaches \(topSpeed) km/h.")

The Power of Protocol Extensions

One of Swift's standout features is the ability to extend protocols to provide default implementations of methods and properties. This enables developers to define common functionality that many conforming types can share.

extension Drivable {
    func cruise() {
        print("Cruising at a comfortable speed.")

With this extension, the cruise method is now available to any type that conforms to Drivable without needing to be explicitly implemented by each type.

Adopting Protocol Oriented Programming

To fully harness the benefits of POP, start by analyzing your app's architecture and identify areas where functionality can be broken down into multiple protocols. Decompose large, monolithic classes into smaller units of behavior represented by protocols. This approach not only preempts code duplication but also enhances testability and interoperability between different components of your application.


Swift's Protocol Oriented Programming encourages a more scalable and flexible approach to application development. By leveraging the power of protocols and protocol extensions, developers can create adaptable codebases that are easier to understand and maintain. The adoption of POP can lead to a more modular code structure, facilitating easy updates and extensions as the application evolves.